soc 101 introduction to sociology
This course is designed to study different theories and methods used within sociology and cover a broad spectrum of topics using critical sociological perspectives. Topics covered in this course are the sociological approach, the individual in society, the study of society, social institutions, and human agency.
- Recognize components of arguments, types of arguments and validity and soundness of arguments.
- Distinguish correct from fallacious forms of reasoning
- Analyze and critique both inductive and deductive arguments
- Learn to recognize propaganda and efforts at manipulation
- Learn to think consciously and deliberately and skillfully in ways that transform oneself
- Learn to apply critical thinking to all areas of life to improve and enhance it
Sociology: A Global Perspective (9th Ed.)
Publisher: Cengage (2015)
Author(s): Ferrante, J.
ISBN: 978-1285-7-46463
* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, contact Academic Affairs