Com 101 professional communication


The study and role of communication in the workplace. The course focuses on the theory and practice of communication in achieving organizational skills. Attention is given to developing intrapersonal and interpersonal skills for the workplace, meeting management, interviewing and presentational skills. The relationship between communication and leadership, conflict, corporate culture, gender and cultural diversity, team building, and workplace learning will be explored.


  1. Adapt the concepts of the basic communication model to written messages and oral presentations through careful audience analysis and message planning.
  2. Choose words, write sentences, and develop paragraphs for good news, bad news, and persuasive messages that are clear, concise, complete, and accurate.
  3. Organize and write clear business e-mails and letters
  4. Incorporate technology effectively in gathering, organizing, writing, and presenting written and oral messages.
  5. Effectively gather, interpret, and organize both secondary and primary information needed to support written and oral reports.
  6. Evaluate and produce visuals to communicate messages quickly and accurately.
  7. Write effectively for those with English as a second language.
  8. Collaborate effectively on written documents.
  9. Organize and write a short report or a proposal
  10. Prepare a well-structured, long, formal report
  11. Prepare and organize an effective formal presentation
  12. Describe what one can do to effectively communicate across cultures




Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online (9th Ed.)

Publisher: Cengage (2015)

Author(s): Newman, A.

ISBN: 978-12854-3-8597

* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, contact Academic Affairs