Dean’s Message

The School of Management (SOM) is an integral part of the University of Riverside. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) are  offered in the School of Management.

The School of Management is guided by three core principles:

  • Education should be accessible and efficient
  • Programs should be current, relevant, and consistently revised
  • All courses should be integrated with real-world environments

Quality of Programs
Undergraduate and graduate degrees in the School open the doors to opportunities for career advancement, higher earnings, and leadership positions. The curricula of online programs are delivered through a combination of distance education technologies, including the Internet and special software packages, e.g., BlackBoard.  Rich with multinational assignments, these programs are designed to enhance global business skills and flexible technological knowledge, which meet current and future challenges.

The School believes that diversity is a precondition of academic quality that contributes to the completeness of students’ education.  This position is based on the tenet that everyone must acquire the requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors to function effectively in international environments.

Diversity efforts are integrated throughout the School’s programs, faculty, and staff representation, and campus climate.  Multicultural perspectives are reflected in the curricula, in student-support services, and in measurements of learning outcomes.

Faculty Qualifications
The experienced, faculty in the School of Management regard teaching as a priority.  As accomplished practitioners and researchers, faculty members often serve as consultants to both domestic and international public, private, and nonprofit organizations.  Their theoretical and practical experiences enrich their classroom teaching and offer broad, relevant perspectives needed to develop managerial and leadership skills.